Friday, February 21, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 67

Assignment Example This movie shows that Child health care has been changing over the past centuries, in Brazil. It has been influenced by a number of factors, which include the historical period, guideline of social policies, scientific and technological advances, and the involvement of different social segments and agents (Bailes et al. 1990). According to the movie, disease characteristics and population’s differential health are vital for research in Brazilian communities. For example, epidemiological studies in maternal-child health usually address neonatal and perinatal health that illustrate that there are significant relationships between health and disease processes such as nutrition, sanitation, medical care, and income among other health-disease processes (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). According to this movie, the unexpected appearance of a strange and fatal pediatric disease, in 1980, alarmed Brazilian public health officials and clinicians to conduct a number of collaborative assessm ents to find the cause this disease. Collaboration between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Sao Paulo Secretariat identified that this disease is caused by Haemophilus influenza biogroup aegyptius bacteremia, and eventually named Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) (Bailes et al. 1990). The movie also presents that the current epidemiological process is based on the concept of risk (Bailes et al. 1990). Medical practitioners, including nurses, are advised to focus on health risk factors to ensure quality health care delivery to the community. In addition, they should primarily focus on risk factors that affects a large number of people like a whole community, but not on an individual. This will enhance the establishment of health service priorities and approximate preventive care needs and community health promotion. For instance,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Economics in a Global Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics in a Global Environment - Essay Example By analyzing internal opportunity costs we can define in what these two guys should specialize in order to provide maximum output To identify who should specialize in a particular activity I have calculated the internal opportunity cost for Phil and Frances. For example, if Phil shifts more resources into higher output of phone calls, the opportunity cost of each extra phone call is of financial statement. For Frances the same decision has an opportunity cost of 1/10 of phone calls. Therefore France has a comparative advantage in financial reports. Were Frances to reallocate resources to financial statements, the opportunity cost of one extra financial statement is 10, meanwhile for Phil the opportunity cost is 4 of the phone calls. Thus Phil has a comparative advantage in phone calls (please refer to the Appendix 1) On the other hand the comparative advantage theory is not consistent with the current economic reality. The evidence shows that comparative advantage is human made rather than natural. Many economists argue that there is no such thing as free trade. Countries use industrial strategies and trade tactics in order to create human made comparative advantage, which will guarantee their success in the global economy1. Nowadays, comparative advantage is human made. Natural resources are international commodities and therefore each country can easily acquire them in the market without producing them locally.