Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ethics for Professional As Accountant essays

Ethics for Professional As Accountant essays Ethics for professional as accountant As our society is increasing complex, the ambiguity of situation in business transaction is increased. Thus, it is more and more important for accountant to concern ethics issue and to follow the accounting framework. Not like the color of your eyes, ethics is not inherited from parents. It is acquired by learning after born.  ¡Ã‚ °Ethical reasoning, is not a matter of applying the appropriate algorithm to a situation and mechanically calculating the correct moral result. Ethical reasoning is more subtle, less precise, often more difficult. ¡ (Damian Consider something ethically requires one to value the decision beyond his self-interest alone in reaching the decision. Also ethical judgment is universalized, it should be objective and without any biases or preferences. Besides, ethics is practical for action-guide. We can evaluate the people ¡Ã‚ ¯s behavior by prescriptive guidance. That means we can predict the consequence of people by referring the proper ethics code. The ethics issue has tight connection with the professional as the accountant. Accountants collect and process the financial information to assist the decision making of public. This financial information has a wide range of users, like banks, investors, potential investors, employees, suppliers, creditors, customers, analysts, media and government bodies. Their decision making will be influenced by the financial information generated by accountant. True and fair is the principle of financial report. Thus faith to the figure is the basic as the accountant. Ethical challenges for accountant take several forms and raise diff...

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