Thursday, December 26, 2019

Close Reading of Sonnet Essay example - 1391 Words

Close Reading of Sonnet 116 Written by William Shakespeare 2011 â€Å"Sonnet 116† written by William Shakespeare is focusing on the strength and true power of love. Love is a feeling that sustainable to alterations, that take place at certain points in life, and love is even stronger than a breakup because separation cannot eliminate feelings. The writer makes use of metaphors expressing love as a feeling of mind not just heart as young readers may see it. To Shakespeare love is an immortal felling that is similar to a mark on a person’s life. This sonnet has a simple and straightforward meaning. It is short, yet powerful with the perfect use of metaphors. If a partner suddenly becomes aware of impediments of the†¦show more content†¦The writer wants to emphasize that feelings cannot turn unstable as changes happen to relationships. He amplifies it on the next line: â€Å"Or bends with the remover to remove:† (4), using this metaphor to underline that true feelings does not fade away even after a breakup. The author starts off by saying what love is not, before he says what love is. Shakespeare is using this approach to state that love is an unbreakable feeling and it can survive through changes. In the first three lines of his sonnet Shakespeare maintains the repletion of such words as â€Å"love† and â€Å"love†, â€Å"alters† and â€Å"alteration†, â€Å"remover† and â€Å"remove†. This way he underlies the consistency of feelings that prevail over other conditions in his poem. With each line Shakespeare’s thought is like bouncing between unusual changes to embrace the whole meaning of love that stays strong no matter what it has to sustain. In the next few lines Shakespeare is using metaphorical associations of love to give the reader the impression of majesty of love. â€Å"O no! It is an ever-fixed mark† (5), in this essence the meaning of mark pertains to sea-mark, which is a lighthouse, â€Å"That looks on tempests and is never shaken;† (6). The author is giving love metaphorical meaning of strength which is like a lighthouse never shaken with tempests. The next metaphorical close: â€Å"It is the s tar to every wandering bark,† (7), inShow MoreRelatedA Close Reading Of Sonnet 181280 Words   |  6 PagesA Close Reading of â€Å"Sonnet 18† â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?† (â€Å"Sonnet 18†) is one of Shakespeare’s most famous poems. It is the model English, or Shakespearean sonnet: it contains three quatrains and a finishing couplet.. The poem follows the traditional English sonnet form by having the octet introduce an idea or set up the poem, and the sestet beginning with a volta, or turn in perspective. 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