Thursday, December 26, 2019

Close Reading of Sonnet Essay example - 1391 Words

Close Reading of Sonnet 116 Written by William Shakespeare 2011 â€Å"Sonnet 116† written by William Shakespeare is focusing on the strength and true power of love. Love is a feeling that sustainable to alterations, that take place at certain points in life, and love is even stronger than a breakup because separation cannot eliminate feelings. The writer makes use of metaphors expressing love as a feeling of mind not just heart as young readers may see it. To Shakespeare love is an immortal felling that is similar to a mark on a person’s life. This sonnet has a simple and straightforward meaning. It is short, yet powerful with the perfect use of metaphors. If a partner suddenly becomes aware of impediments of the†¦show more content†¦The writer wants to emphasize that feelings cannot turn unstable as changes happen to relationships. He amplifies it on the next line: â€Å"Or bends with the remover to remove:† (4), using this metaphor to underline that true feelings does not fade away even after a breakup. The author starts off by saying what love is not, before he says what love is. Shakespeare is using this approach to state that love is an unbreakable feeling and it can survive through changes. In the first three lines of his sonnet Shakespeare maintains the repletion of such words as â€Å"love† and â€Å"love†, â€Å"alters† and â€Å"alteration†, â€Å"remover† and â€Å"remove†. This way he underlies the consistency of feelings that prevail over other conditions in his poem. With each line Shakespeare’s thought is like bouncing between unusual changes to embrace the whole meaning of love that stays strong no matter what it has to sustain. In the next few lines Shakespeare is using metaphorical associations of love to give the reader the impression of majesty of love. â€Å"O no! It is an ever-fixed mark† (5), in this essence the meaning of mark pertains to sea-mark, which is a lighthouse, â€Å"That looks on tempests and is never shaken;† (6). The author is giving love metaphorical meaning of strength which is like a lighthouse never shaken with tempests. The next metaphorical close: â€Å"It is the s tar to every wandering bark,† (7), inShow MoreRelatedA Close Reading Of Sonnet 181280 Words   |  6 PagesA Close Reading of â€Å"Sonnet 18† â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?† (â€Å"Sonnet 18†) is one of Shakespeare’s most famous poems. It is the model English, or Shakespearean sonnet: it contains three quatrains and a finishing couplet.. The poem follows the traditional English sonnet form by having the octet introduce an idea or set up the poem, and the sestet beginning with a volta, or turn in perspective. In the octet of Sonnet 18, Shakespeare poses the question â€Å"Shall I compare the to a summer’sRead MoreClose Reading - Sonnet 71 Shakespeare1203 Words   |  5 PagesSonnet 71 No longer mourn for me when I’m dead. Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell. Give warning to the world that I’m fled From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell Nay, if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it; for I love you so That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me then should make you woe Oh, if, I say, you look upon this verse When I perhaps compounded am with clay Do not so much as my poor name rehearse Read MoreThe English Sonnet768 Words   |  4 PagesThe English Sonnet The sonnet is the most important, as it is the most perfect, of all modern lyric forms (Reed, 119). Although the sonnet made a relatively late appearance in English literature, it has become a staple in the lyrical expression of private emotions. 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It is also known as â€Å"Sonnet 73†. â€Å"In Western literary traditions, sonnets have played an important role because of the works of authors such as Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) and William Shakespeare,† (Weagly, 2016). â€Å"The Time of Year† (Sonnet 73) by William Shakespeare, conveys the theme that the idea of losing someone could create a stronger feeling of love while they are living here on E arth. All sonnets are written in a specific patternRead MoreThe Poet At Seven By Donald Justice1194 Words   |  5 Pageswhen close reading. Also, to discern the hidden meaning, it is important to consider the specific word choice and how it paints a picture inside the reader’s mind. As a result, the reader will grasp the poem’s true intention. By doing this, the reader will sincerely have an understanding of â€Å"The Poet at Seven,† the way Justice probably would have wanted. To begin the steps of interpreting what Justice has to say, it is crucial to analyze the poem as a whole. â€Å"The Poet at Seven† is a sonnet, butRead More##k Of Friendships In William Shakespeares Sonnet 291342 Words   |  6 Pagescomfort. Within â€Å"Sonnet 29† and â€Å"Sonnet 30† Shakespeare writes about someone going through great troubles in life and depression. Shakespeare speaks about this man’s lack of material possession and death of close friends. William Shakespeare touches on friendships in the Sonnets and emphasizes how powerful they are. Through the use of diction and tone Shakespeare suggests that it is only with true friendship that one can overcome sadness. To begin with, the speaker in â€Å"Sonnet 29† speaks of tragedies

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hercules in Popular Culture - 1719 Words

Hercules For my research paper I chose to explore and analyze instances of the great Greek/Roman hero, Heracles (Hercules), appearing in popular culture and the effect his myths had on early civilizations. Considered by most to be the greatest of the Greek folk heroes, Hercules was the embodiment of masculinity and physical power. The word â€Å"herculean† literally translates into â€Å"having enormous strength, courage, or size† ( Since their inception, the myths and legends of Hercules have been immensely popular and have had vast influences on people and cultures throughout the world. Over the next few pages I will attempt to compare and contrast several examples of Hercules’ representation in pop culture with the underlying†¦show more content†¦In the last 50 years alone, he has been the inspiration for various works of art. In 1963, Hercules was shortly represented in the movie Jason and the Argonauts. He joined Jason and the crew of the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece but left the mission early for personal reasons, which is consistent with the actual myth of Jason and the Argonauts. In 1970 the movie Hercules in New York cast the perfect leading role in Arnold Schwarzenegger, who looked like a modern day version of our hero, but had little to do with actual mythology. The casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hercules seemed especially valid because both have had such an impact on the ideals of physical fitness and the art of body building. It is said that famous body builder Eugene Sandow (1890’s), who is treated as a father of the early muscle building movement in America, was inspired to lift weights as a child after seeing a classic statue of Hercules (Wyke). Another facet of popular culture that showcases Hercules is the Marvel Comic Books. The Marvel version of Hercules was created in 1965 by Stan Lee as a super strong rival to Thor, who came from Norse mythology ( In the comic books he is commonly shown in his Lion skin cloak and holding his iconic wooden club. His typical super strength and courage are defining qualities in the comic book representation, as is his role asShow MoreRelatedThor vs. Hercules: Which One Is the Best Hero? Essay636 Words   |  3 PagesAll cultures have heroes and heroines who are present in a variety of myths and legends. But what exactly does it take to be a hero? A hero is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities. Thor and Hercules are both perfect examples of heroes. Both heroes are from completely different cultures. Thor is from Norse mythology and Hercules is from Greek mythology. Despite their different cultures, they share many similarities. Although Hercules isRead MoreHercules And Disney Versions Of Hercules Vs. Disney1074 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many cultures around the world that value different character qualities. Some of these are expressed through t he stories that are passed down from generation to generation. A very popular story many cultures have their own spin on is Hercules. This story originated from Ancient Greece, but many people in American society are more familiar with the Disney version than the original. The basic storylines of these versions are the same, but some of the intricate details that help define theRead MoreThe Movie Hercules 995 Words   |  4 PagesFor decades the corporation, Disney, has made extraordinary films. Although, the history and cultures involved in the movies aren’t always depicted accurately. An example of this would be comparing the depiction of ancient Greece in Disney’s movie, Hercules. â€Å"The Disney version is pretty much a superman story – a person is born with extraordinary talents that isolate him, and he spends his life trying to fit in, only to find that he has done so incidentally.† (Disneyfied.) This animated film wasRead Moreâ€Å"Disney Constructs Childhood so as to Make It Entirely Compatible with Consumerism1617 Words   |  7 Pagesinnocent entertainment, its meticulous image, hidden self advertising and promotion of consumerism to children can be highlighted with the example of two of its films, The Little Mermaid (1989) and Hercules (1997). The Disney Company holds a significant and influential place in society and entertainment culture around the world especially in the context of children and childhood. 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In popular culture, Ancient Greece and Rome are portrayed substantially in books and movies; however, not many people are aware of how they also shape our thoughts, ideals, and motivations. Through an analysis of classical elements often portrayed in popular media, this essay attempts to illustrate how the representation of classical Greece and Rome in books and movies influenceRead MoreEssay about Disney vs. Masculinity1387 Words   |  6 Pagesover and over again can you still sing today? The Walt Disney Company has been a powerful force in creating childhood culture all around the world. Disney’s massive success is based on images of innocence, magic and fun. Its animated films in particular are praised as wholesome family entertainment. These movies are endorsed by teachers and parents, and are obviously immensely popular with children. The fun and innocence may have its value, but it is important to understand how these movies are representing

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business and Consumer Electronic Commerce †

Question: Discuss about the Business and Consumer Electronic Commerce. Answer: Introduction: Just In Time Delivery: Inventory strategy that a company uses to increase the efficiency and decrease the waste only by receiving the goods which are useful in production process. This reduces the inventory cost is the Just In Time Delivery (Laudon Laudon, 2016). The demands of the customers are forecasted accurately by this method if Just in Time Delivery. The supply system of inventory represents a shift from older method in this strategy. The producers carry large inventories when there is a high demand that is to be fulfilled. E-Commerce: E-Commerce is known as the electronic commerce which is the process of selling and buying services and goods over a network that is electronic mainly via internet. This process of e-commerce also helps to transmit data or funds over the internet. The areas where transaction occurs in e-commerce are business to consumer, consumer to business, business to business and consumer to consumer. The process of electronic commerce is known as electronic business. SaaS: The service that allows the users to use and connect to apps that are cloud based via Internet is known as SaaS (Software as a service). Examples of Software as a service provider are email, office tools and calendaring. Software as a service gives a software solution that is complete those are purchased on a basis that depends on pay-as-you-go from a provider that provides cloud service. The app of the cloud service is rented for an organization and the users of the organization uses the app to connect through the Internet mainly with the web browser. The data center of the service provider locates all the application software, application data, infrastructure and middle ware. There is a service agreement in which all the software and hardware are managed by the service provider. The service provider also ensures the security and the availability of the application that is being used and all the data also. The service provided by Software as a service provides the organization with all the application at minimum cost. Strategic Planning: Strategic Planning is the process in which a future that is desired is envisioned and the vision that is desired is translated into goals that are broadly defined and also the objectives and steps that are needed to reach the desired future that is envisioned. The process of strategic planning involves a plan that is strategic, as document that helps to control all the decisions and objectives that are taken by the organization to achieve its goals and all the ways that are needed to acquire the goal. The process of strategic planning gives guidance to the leaders of the organization to take decisions that help them to move forward with their decision making. Supply Chain Systems: The system in which deals with organization, information, resources, people and activities that helps to move a service or a product from supplier to all its customers is known as supply chain system. The process of supply chain includes the activity of transforming natural resources, components of raw material in to a fine finished product which are delivered to all the end customers. Decision Support System (DSS): An information system that is computer based which gives support to all the organizational and business activities of decision making is known as decision support system. The levels which involve planning, operations and management are served by decision support system that is carried out usually in middle and higher management system. The unstructured and the semi structured problems of decision making that are taken by the people and all the problems that changes rapidly that are not specified easily in advance is done by decision support system. The process of decision support system are human powered or computerized or may be a combination of both. Cloud Infrastructure: The infrastructure that involves software and hardware components that consists of server, network, visualization and storage software is the cloud infrastructure. These software are used to support all the requirements that are needed in computing device in a model of cloud computing. Web 2: World Wide Web 2.0 is a website that focuses mainly on the content, interoperability and usability that are generated by user for all the end users. The website works with all products, devices and systems of the Internet. Extranet: A network that is controlled privately which allows the vendors, suppliers and partners to access a group of customers that are authorized is an extranet network. The extranet is subset of information that is accessible from the intranet of an organization. A similar kind of network that is similar to extranet is DMZ. The extranet assures access to all the authorized parties that needs services which do not grants access to the network of organization. The private network of an organization is extranet. Big Data Analysis: The process in which large data and varied data sets are analyzed in the Big Data analysis. Big data helps to uncover the hidden partners, market trends, gives customer preferences and also correlated with unknown relations. The key elements of data mining are: Large amount of data: The information technology of Data mining helps to acquire all the data without the involvement of the client or the customer (Turban, Volonino Wood, 2014). This process was not possible in earlier data mining process. Provide data that are incomplete: People do not give complete information in the surveys that are conducted by data mining because they fear that their information would be stolen by this process. Data structures that are complicated: Techniques for collecting information are used in data mining process. Data is collected via technology or manually. A complication may arise in determining and understanding the data structure. The significance of Reserve Stock Level is important in all the industries because it is not possible to get advance information about the certainty of the stock that will be needed in production or to supply the customers. Demand for products is variable that are affected by seasonal effects. The best process that a business holds makes forecast that are accurate. The business that is faced by Liberty Wines is that as the business of Liberty Wines increased, the facility of the Information Technology was not able to handle the great amount of data. The system that Liberty wines were using was very slow and effort on the maintenance was required. The employee productivity decreased which affected the business processes. The IT infrastructure of Liberty Wines was insufficient that impacted negatively in the competitive advantage. The loss of customers occurred due to insufficient infrastructure of IT. The orders that were placed by their clients were no placed on time. Server visualization of Liberty Wines decreased the physical servers and all the application of liberty Wines ran faster by better visualization that results in making customer services better and also managed the inventory management. The mission of FinCEN was to provide a safeguard to the financial system which was abuses to financial crimes. The problems that were limiting the fighting ability against financial crime was having problem in gathering the data, analyzing them and delivering all those data at effective time to all users. To achieve the mission of FinCEN, major upgrade was done by FinCEN. Their first goal was to provide a safeguard to the financial system from money laundering that was evolving and also the threat of national securities. Their second goal was to maximize the sharing of financial intelligence in between their foreign and domestic partners in private and government industries. FinCEN upgraded its capabilities by launching Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). The financial intelligence depends on collection of data, analyzation of data and keeps the entire data secret from outside so that no one will be able to read those data. The potential activities that are illicit are identified by relationships and patterns. This process of intelligence has provided a greater speed and also ability that helps to detect the money launderers. The financial crime that was detected by FinCEN was that it was not able to gather data effectively, analyze the data and also deliver them to the users. FinCEN was suffering from lack of standardization and validation and also suffered from inconsistent quality of data. References Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2016). Management information system. Pearson Education India. Turban, E., Volonino, L., Wood, G. R. (2014).Information Technology for Managment: Digital Strategies for Insight, Action and Sustainable Performance. Wiley.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Conflict In The Balkans Is Interesting Because For Years, Essays

The conflict in the Balkans is interesting because for years, reporters and politicians have touted it as being the result of ancient ethnic hatred but that isnt the case. The people of the region lived together peacefully for centuries and any conflicts that have arose among people were based not on ethnic origin but other things like class, ruling party, etc. In fact, any problems that have arose in the former Yugoslavia have more to do with the issues raised by nationalism that developed during World War II and not centuries of three different peoples living together. This paper will explore the history of the conflict in the Balkans from the time shortly after Josip Tito passed away until just before the Dayton Accords. Additionally, it will be shown that at each of the three distinct points of the conflict, the international community and the United States had it within their power to stop the violence. The three distinct phases are Kosovo, secession, and Bosnia and at each point, the lack of action or overreaction of the international community failed to solve the problem. The first phase of Yugoslavian disintegration can be attributed to the conditions of the people living in Kosovo, an autonomous province of Yugoslavia. In 1981, the socioeconomic conditions in Kosovo were far worse than those in the other republics of Yugoslavia. Poverty was rampant and unemployment was around twenty percent as compared to about two percent in Slovenia that same year. The standard of living in Kosovo was deplorable and whatever aid that was given to the province by the federal government was mismanaged (Samary, 65). Another significant problem with this particular province was that while the Serbs claimed the province as the Cradle of Serbian Empire because of a legendary battle and defeat that happened at Kosovo in 1389, the Albanians constituted approximately eighty percent of the population of Kosovo. In reality, Kosovo could be claimed more by the Albanian majority than by the Serb minority. Many of the valiant warriors who fought and died at the Battle of Kosovo were in fact Albanian warriors, a fact seldom acknowledged by the Serb leadership. Furthermore, historical evidence suggests that Illyrians, the ancestors of Albanians, formed their first communities in Kosovo. The Serb Empire was not as grand and powerful as modern Serbia would contend. Relations between Albanians and Serbs were good in the Middle Ages because of the many reasons that tensions exist today between nation states i.e. customs, trade, immigration, and so on (Samary, 36). Kosovo, by nearly all accounts but the Serb interpretation of the Battle of Kosovo, is an Albanian area. Albanians were given majority rule of Kosovo in the 1960s by Tito in order to act as a hegemon to the power of Serbia. Under independent rule, the region was able to make available an Albanian curriculum and Albanian culture grew in importance. Economically, however, Kosovo was still suffering since whatever gains the economy made were outdone by the gains in population made by the Albanian Muslims who averaged six to eight children per family. The power in Kosovo was vested in a small group of elite Albanians who did well at advancing national identity and improving education and other public works but who were poor at managing and maintaining a functional economy. Whenever federal funds were given to the province, those elites at the top either wasted the money on grandiose projects and ornate buildings or on their new and privileged lifestyles (Bennett, 88) On March 11, 1981, the students of Pristina University, in Kosovo, organized a protest against the deplorable living conditions on the campus. At the protest, they voiced their malcontent with the poverty and unemployment if life in Kosovo. They then marched to the provincial League of Communists only to have the demonstration halted by the police. The leadership of the League of Communists demanded that the leaders of the protests be brought into custody fearing that if the leadership of the protests remained, the protests would continue. The police complied and in a moment of solidarity with the student leaders, students poured into the streets demanding that their classmates be released from custody. The unrest was escalated by excessive police brutality and on April 3, 1981, Belgrade imposed martial law (Bennett, 89). It is suggested that this particular time in the history of Yugoslavia is when the disintegration of Yugoslavia occurred. Tito had died less than a year before the incident in Kosovo and the Yugoslav Army (JNA) was pointing their weapons at fellow Yugoslavians. For the first time in Titos Yugoslavia, the federal government had sided with one ethnic group over

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ethics for Professional As Accountant essays

Ethics for Professional As Accountant essays Ethics for professional as accountant As our society is increasing complex, the ambiguity of situation in business transaction is increased. Thus, it is more and more important for accountant to concern ethics issue and to follow the accounting framework. Not like the color of your eyes, ethics is not inherited from parents. It is acquired by learning after born.  ¡Ã‚ °Ethical reasoning, is not a matter of applying the appropriate algorithm to a situation and mechanically calculating the correct moral result. Ethical reasoning is more subtle, less precise, often more difficult. ¡ (Damian Consider something ethically requires one to value the decision beyond his self-interest alone in reaching the decision. Also ethical judgment is universalized, it should be objective and without any biases or preferences. Besides, ethics is practical for action-guide. We can evaluate the people ¡Ã‚ ¯s behavior by prescriptive guidance. That means we can predict the consequence of people by referring the proper ethics code. The ethics issue has tight connection with the professional as the accountant. Accountants collect and process the financial information to assist the decision making of public. This financial information has a wide range of users, like banks, investors, potential investors, employees, suppliers, creditors, customers, analysts, media and government bodies. Their decision making will be influenced by the financial information generated by accountant. True and fair is the principle of financial report. Thus faith to the figure is the basic as the accountant. Ethical challenges for accountant take several forms and raise diff...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Battle of Bennington - American Revolution

Battle of Bennington - American Revolution The Battle of Bennington was fought during the American Revolution (1775-1783).  Part of the Saratoga Campaign, the Battle of Bennington took place on August 16, 1777. Commanders Armies: Americans Brigadier General John StarkColonel Seth Warner2,000 men British Hessian Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich BaumLieutenant Colonel Heinrich von Breymann1,250 men Battle of Bennington - Background During the summer of 1777, British Major General John Burgoyne advanced down the Hudson River valley from Canada with the goal of splitting the rebellious American colonies in two. After winning victories at Fort Ticonderoga, Hubbardton, and Fort Ann, his advance began to slow due to treacherous terrain and harassment from American forces. Running low on supplies, he ordered Lt. Colonel Friedrich Baum to take 800 men to raid the American supply depot at Bennington, VT. Upon leaving Fort Miller, Baum believed there to be only 400 militia guarding Bennington. Battle of Bennington - Scouting the Enemy While en route, he received intelligence that the garrison had been reinforced by 1,500 New Hampshire militiamen under the command of Brigadier General John Stark. Outnumbered, Baum halted his advance at the Walloomsac River and requested additional troops from Fort Miller. In the meantime, his Hessian troops built a small redoubt on the heights overlooking the river. Seeing that he had Baum outnumbered, Stark began to reconnoiter the Hessian position on August 14 and 15. On the afternoon of the 16th, Stark moved his men into position to attack. Battle of Bennington - Stark Strikes Realizing that Baums men were spread thin, Stark ordered his men to envelop the enemys line, while he assaulted the redoubt from the front. Moving to the attack, Starks men were able to quickly rout Baums Loyalist and Native American troops, leaving only the Hessians in the redoubt. Fighting valiantly, the Hessians were able to hold their position until they ran low on powder. Desperate, they launched a saber charge in an attempt to break out. This was defeated with Baum mortally wounded in the process. Trapped by Starks men, the remaining Hessians surrendered. As Starks men were processing their Hessian captives, Baums reinforcements arrived. Seeing that the Americans were vulnerable, Lt. Colonel Heinrich von Breymann and his fresh troops immediately attacked. Stark quickly reformed his lines to meet the new threat. His situation was bolstered by the timely arrival of Colonel Seth Warners Vermont militia, which aided in repulsing von Breymanns assault. Having blunted the Hessian attack, Stark and Warner counterattacked and drove von Breymanns men from the field. Battle of Bennington - Aftermath Impact During the Battle of Bennington, the British Hessians suffered 207 killed and 700 captured to only 40 killed and 30 wounded for the Americans. The victory at Bennington aided in the subsequent American triumph at Saratoga by depriving Burgoynes army of vital supplies and provided a much-needed​ morale boost for the American troops on the northern frontier.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To Avoid Gaining Weight, Students Should Eat Healthy Essay

To Avoid Gaining Weight, Students Should Eat Healthy - Essay Example This essay touches one of the most disturbing problem among contemporary students and the youth at all. It tells about the reasons and consequences of gaining weight. We all know that we should eat healthy, as much as we know how difficult it is now, when our lives are so fast that all we have lest is eating fast food as well. This paper contains the problem in particular, the proposal, counter argument and the justification.... The fast food is rich with calories, carbohydrates, fatty material and very low in nutrition. So as a result of its consumption, students get obese, ill and sick, addicted and use to suffer many chronic diseases. A recent research has proved that junk or fast food can be a reason for mental disorders and mental problems (Robert 2006). The diet which is low in nutrients and high in calories or fatty material ends up in the mental disorders and many diseases link to human brain. And junk or fast food/ unhealthy diet can increase the likelihood of depression to 60 -80%. Junk food such as pizza, French fries, petty / zinger burgers contain so much saturated fats and are the cause of the people to put on weight tremendously, which in turn cause heart diseases, high cholesterol, sugar, and many other chronic diseases that will put an end to their lives. To avoid such habits among the students race, many measures can be taken. (Assuming the scenario) I will conduct a survey of students in t he FAST-NU University from primary data collection. The food place for the fulfillment of their desire for food is their only cafeteria they have in their university vicinity. The cafe holds most of the junk food with high calories, high carbohydrates with very low nutrition in them. They have burgers, French fries, patties, pastries, butter cup cakes, chocolate and cream cupcakes, pizza, rolls, carbonated drinks etc and only one nutritious item chapatti and gravy. Now it is a big platform for the students to consume those unhealthy items in large number and as a result get obese and fall into above describes diseases. My survey consisted of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The quietly management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The quietly management - Assignment Example Quality system ensures all pre-requisites are being followed and every product that is being prepared or any service provided has undergone all the procedures that are necessary for ensuring the conformance tests. The output yield achieved to fulfils the customers’ requirements. The quality system eliminates all those elements of the component that stand any hurdle between a standard product and a sub-standard product. Any product or service went through quality system will have automatically gone through the standard procedures that are necessary for a successful yield. Quality system makes use of all the necessary tools and techniques that are vital for making any standard product. Hence, it is vitally important for a good quality product to undergo the quality system and its procedures. The International Organization of Standardization has given a new dimension to the world of standardization in the field of manufacturing and production. ISO 9000 is vitally important for an organization’s success. It provides organizations with sufficient guidance over how to go about the processes, how to achieve what is desired, it specifies the dos and don’ts of a process. Certain rules are being specified in the continent Europe which makes the ISO 9000 Certification mandatory for products to be imported into Europe. It allows organizations meeting the deadlines. It enables achieving the highest level of quality. Documentation of working procedures and methods is part of successful strategy; it helps the organization in a longer run and ensures security against many odds that might appear on the scene in later stages of project life. The documentation serves as standard and record keeping. At times there are communication problems and verbal learning and explanation is difficult, thus, the best source is documentation. Legal aspect of any process requires documented evidence; therefore, it is very important from legal point of view, because terms and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fn 11 Cooking Medium Matrix Essay Example for Free

Fn 11 Cooking Medium Matrix Essay Cooked Product| Medium of Cooking| Cooking Method| Description| Sensorial Qualities| Grilled Pork Liempo| Air| Charcoal Grilling| The pork, after being marinated, is placed on a hot grill where it is cooked from the hot air caused by the heat source, coal. The pork is also cooked because of the heat transfer from the metal grill. | The pork becomes a dark brown color and is slightly chard in some areas (having grill marks); the meat is tender and easy to chew while the fat on the meat is greasy and moderately soft; the pork’s flavour is very developed due to the marinade. It also has a smoky flavour which is caused by the charcoal. | Pork Sinigang| Water| Boiling| The pork is boiled in a pot of water for several minutes with onions and tomatoes and spices like tamarind and such. When the pork is thoroughly cooked, the vegetables are then added and allowed to cook as well. | The meat and the fat are very pale in color; the pork’s meat and fat are both very tender. The fat melts in your mouth and is very gelatinous; the pork has a less developed taste and much of the flavour is transferred to the broth of the Sinigang. | Fried Pork Chop| Oil| Pan Frying| The pork is marinated and is then pan fried in a skillet with a fair amount of oil. The pork is first cooked on one side then is flipped over and cooked on the other. | The pork becomes golden brown; the skin clinging to the fat becomes crispy while the fat becomes soft and tender. The meat is often slightly tough; flavour is developed because frying lets the meat’s juices come out and because of the marinade. The taste of the pork is strong in the meat. | Savoury Pork Stew | Oil and Water| StewingSearing | The pork is first seared at high temperature for a few minutes. After this, the pork is then cooked in a pot with water and other ingredients, like tomato paste and such, to let the meat tenderize, develop flavour, and stew. After the meat is completely cooked and when the water has reduced to a thick sauce, vegetables like potatoes and carrots are added to improve flavour. | The pork becomes a dark brown and is often coated in a thick sauce; the fat and the meat are very tender and easily break apart;the meat develops a lot of flavour due to the stewing process; a lot of the pork’s fat becomes rendered into the sauce of the stew.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Alice Paul Essay -- essays research papers

Alice Paul was born on January 11,1885, in Moorestown, New Jersey. Her father, who died when Alice was sixteen, was a businessman, banker, and property owner. The Pauls lived in the small Quaker community of Moorestown. One of the beliefs of the Quakers was equality of the sexes. As a young girl, Alice attended the Quaker suffrage meetings with her mother. Alice Pauls' father left them enough money so she could attend the exclusive Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. She graduated in 1905 as a biology major, but after discovering politics in her senior year, she went on to attend the New York School of Philanthropy. She majored in sociology, and spent all of her spare time working for the woman suffrage in New York. In 1907, Paul earned a master's degree in sociolgy. She went to England to continue her work toward her doctorate degree. She was begin- ning to realize that she couldn't change the situation by social work alone, but needed to change the actual laws. Women had no voice in either England or America to change any law. The suffrage movement was different in England than in the States. British suffragists had begun wild women protests in 1905. They would sneak into male political meetings, and disrupt the meetings by shouting questions, wave banners and be arrested. As Alice Paul became more involved with the Women's Social and Political Union, she was warned of possible imprisonment. This threat did not prevent her from sneaking into political events. She was arrested ten times in England, three of which ended in prison time. While in prison, she continued to protest the government's refusal to let women vote or speak publicly, by not eating. She was force-fed for four weeks. She returned to America in 1910, where she continued her studies and her suffrage work. She brought back from England with her the same tactics used to get the attention of the newspapers and the government. She brought the wild suffragette movement back to the United States. She teamed up with Lucy Burns, who she spent prison time with in England. They went ... ...egan urging members of the House and Senate to vote for the nineteenth amendment, but kept losing. Then in October 1918, he pleaded for woman suffrage as part of the war effort. The amendment was passed in 1920, giving women the rights of citizens, including the right to vote. She did not stop there. In 1922, she received her Law degree and in 1928 formed the World Party for Equal Rights for Women. Pauls equal rights amendment was "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." Living in Switzerland, she encouraged an Equal Rights Treaty and a World code of Law. Equality was then written into the United Nations Charter. Paul fought for equal rights the rest of her life, nationaly and internationally. In1977, at the age of 93, she died in her childhood town of Moorestown. Alice Paul was a remarkable, unstop- pable feminist and social reformer, who paved the road we now walk.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Night World : The Chosen Chapter 15

The sound of her own voice sent Rashel spinning out of the light. It was as if she were emerging from deep water- from one world into another. Or as if she were re-entering her own body. For a moment everything was confusion, and Rashel wasn't sure of where she was or how she was positioned†¦ and then she felt her arms and legs and saw yellow light. Lamplight. She was in an upstairs room in a mansion on a private island, and Quinn was holding her. They had somehow ended up on the floor, half kneeling, half supported by the wall, their arms around each other, Rashel's head on his shoulder. She had no idea when he'd stopped biting her. She also had no idea how much time had passed. She coughed a little, shaken by what had just happened. That other place, with the light-it still seemed more real than the hard shiny boards of the floor underneath her and the white walls of the room. But it also seemed encased in its own reality. Like a dream. She didn't know if they would ever be able to get back there again. â€Å"Quinn?† He was Quinn again. Not John. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Do you know what happened? I mean, do you understand it?† â€Å"I think,† he said, and his voice was gentle and precise, â€Å"that sharing blood can strengthen a telepathic bond. I've always been able to block it out when I fed before, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He didn't finish. â€Å"But it happened that other time. Or something like it happened. When I first met you.† â€Å"Yes. Well. Well, I think it's†¦ there's something called†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He gave up and resorted to nonverbal communication. There's something called the soulmate principle. I've never believed in it. I've laughed at people who talked about it. I would have bet my life that- â€Å"What is it, Quinn?† Rashel had heard of it, too, especially recently. But it wasn't something from her world, and she wanted a Night Person to explain. It's the idea that everyone has one and just one soul-mate in the world, and that if you find them, you recognize them immediately. And†¦ well, that's that. â€Å"But it's not supposed to happen between humans and Night People. Right?† There are some people who think that it is happening-now-for some reason-especially between humans and Night People. The Redferns seem to be getting it in particular. There was a pause, then Quinn said aloud, â€Å"I should probably apologize to some of them, actually.† He sounded bemused. Rashel sat up, which was difficult. She didn't want to let go of Quinn. He kept hold of her fingers, which helped a little. He looked more mussed than he had down near the wharf, his neat hair disordered, his eyes large and dark and dazed. She met his gaze directly. â€Å"You think we're soulmates?† â€Å"Well.† He blinked. â€Å"Do you have a better explanation?† â€Å"No.† She took a breath. â€Å"Do you still want to make me a vampire?† He stared at her, and something flamed and then fell in pain in his eyes. For an instant he looked as if she'd hit him-then all she could see was regret. â€Å"Oh, Rashel† In one motion he caught her and held her. His face was pressed to her hair. She could feel him breathing like some stricken creature-and then she felt him regain control, grabbing discipline from somewhere, wrapping himself in it. He rested his chin on her head. â€Å"I'm sorry you have to ask that, but I understand. I don't want to make you a vampire. I want-â€Å" I want you to be what you were two minutes ago. That happy, that idealistic†¦. He sounded as if it were something that had been lost forever. But Rashel felt a new happiness, and a new confidence. He had changed. She could sense how much he had changed already. They were in the real world, and he wasn't raving about needing to kill her, or her needing to kill him. â€Å"I just wanted to be sure,† she said. She tightened her own arms around him. â€Å"I don't know what's going to happen-but as long as we're right together, I think I can face it.† I think we live or die together from now on, Quinn said simply. Yes, Rashel thought. She could still feel lingering sadness in Quinn, and confusion in herself, but they were right together. She didn't need to doubt him anymore. They trusted each other. â€Å"We have to do something about the people downstairs,† she said. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"But we can't kill them.† â€Å"No. There's been enough killing. It has to stop.† Quinn sounded like a swimmer who'd been tumbling in a riptide, and whose feet had finally found solid ground. Rashel sat up to look at him. â€Å"But we can't just let them walk out of here. What if they try it again? I mean, whoever set this bloodfeast up†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She suddenly realized that she had asked everybody else, but not him. â€Å"Quinn, who did set this up?† He smiled, a faint echo of his old savage smile. Now it was grim and self-mocking. â€Å"I don't know.† â€Å"You don't know?† â€Å"Some vampire who wanted to get the made vampires together. But I've never met him. Lily was the go-between, but I'm not sure she knows either. She only spoke to him on the phone. Neither of us asked a lot of questions. We were doing it for the money.† He said it flatly, not sparing himself. And to be rebellious, Rashel thought. To be as bad and as damned as possible, because you figured you might as well. She said, â€Å"Whoever it is might just go somewhere else and find somebody else to get his slaves for him. Those seven guys could be having a new bloodfeast next month.† â€Å"That has to be stopped, too,† Quinn said. â€Å"How to stop it without violence, that's the question.† His fingers were still tight on Rashel's, but he was staring into the distance, lost in grim and competent thought. It was a new side of Quinn. Rashel had seen him in almost every mood from despairing to manic, but she had never worked with him before. Now she realized that he was going to make a strong and resourceful ally. Suddenly Quinn seemed to focus. â€Å"I've got it,† he said. He smiled suddenly, mocking but without the bitterness. â€Å"When violence won't work, there's no other choice but to try persuasion.† â€Å"That's not funny.† â€Å"It's not meant to be.† â€Å"You're going to say, ‘Please don't kill any more young girls'?† â€Å"I'm going to say, ‘Please don't kill any more young girls or I'll report you to the Joint Council.' Listen, Rashel.† He took her by the arms, his eyes flashing with excitement. â€Å"I have some authority in the Night World-I'm the Redfern heir. And Hunter Redfern has more. Between us, we can make all kinds of trouble for these made vampires.† â€Å"But Fayth-a friend of mine-said they were all so powerful.† In the intensity of the moment, Rashel almost missed the fact that she'd just called Fayth her friend. Quinn was shaking his head. â€Å"No, you have to understand. These aren't rogues, they're Night World citizens. And what they're doing is completely illegal. You can't just kill a bunch of girls from one area without permission. Slavery's illegal, bloodfeasts are illegal. And no matter how powerful they are, they can't stand up against the Night World Council.† â€Å"But-â€Å" â€Å"We threaten them with exposure to the Council. With exposure to Hunter Redfern-and to the lamia. The lamia will go crazy at the thought of made vampires getting together in some kind of alliance. They'll take it as a threat of civil war.† It might work, Rashel was thinking. The made vampires were just individuals-they'd be up against whole lamia families. Especially against the Redfern family, the oldest and most respected clan of vampires. â€Å"Everybody's scared of Hunter Redfern,† she said slowly. â€Å"He's got tremendous influence. He practically owns the Council. He could run them out of the Night World if he wanted. I think they'll listen.† â€Å"You really do think of him as a father, don't you?† Rashel said, her voice soft. She searched Quinn's eyes. â€Å"Whatever you say about hating him-you respect him.† â€Å"He's not as bad as most. He has†¦ honor, I guess. Usually.† And he's a New Englander, Rashel thought. That means he's against vice. She considered another moment, then she nodded. Her heart was beating fast, but she could feel a smile breaking on her face. â€Å"Let's try persuasion.† They stood-and then they paused a moment, looking at each other. We're strong, Rashel thought. We've got unity. If anyone can do this, we can. She picked up her knife almost absent-mindedly. It was a piece of art, a valued possession, and she didn't want to lose it. They walked down the stairs side by side. Music was still blasting from the gathering room at the end of the hall. It hadn't been that long, Rashel realized. The whole world had changed since she'd been in this hallway-but somehow it had all happened in minutes. Now, Quinn said silently before they went in. There shouldn't be any danger-/ don't think they'll be stupid enough to attack me-but be alert anyway. Rashel nodded. She felt cool and businesslike, and she thought she was perfectly rational. It was only later that she realized they had walked into the room like little lambs into the tiger's lair, still dizzy and reeling from the discovery of love. Quinn went in first and she could hear voices stop as he did. Then she was walking through the door, into that ruddy flickering room with shadows dancing on the walls. And there they were again, those handsome young guys who looked like a TV-series ensemble. They were looking at Quinn with various expressions of interest and surprise. When they saw her, the expressions sharpened to pleasure and inquiry. â€Å"Hey, Quinn!† â€Å"Hi there, Quinn.† â€Å"So you've arrived at last. You've kept us waiting long enough.† That from the dark one who was looking at his watch. Quinn said, â€Å"Turn off the music.† Someone went to a built-in mahogany cabinet and turned off an expensive stereo. Quinn was looking around the room, as if to appraise each of them. â€Å"Campbell,† he said, nodding slightly. â€Å"Radhu. Azarius. Max.† â€Å"So you're the one who brought us here,† Campbell said. He had rusty hair and a sleepy smile. â€Å"We've all been dying to find out.† â€Å"Who's that?† someone else added, peering at Rashel. â€Å"The first course?† Quinn smiled fractionally, with a look that made the guy who'd asked step backward. â€Å"No, she's not the first course,† he said softly. â€Å"In fact, unfortunately, all the courses have disappeared.† There was a silence. Everyone stared at him. Then the guy with the silver-blond hair said, â€Å"What?† â€Å"They've all-just-disappeared.† Quinn made an expressive gesture. â€Å"Escaped. Vanished.† Another silence. Rashel didn't like this one. She was beginning to get an odd impression from the group, as if she were in a room, not with people, but with animals that had been kept past their feeding time. â€Å"What the hell are you talking about?† the dark one, the one Quinn had called Azarius, said tightly. â€Å"What kind of joke is this?† Campbell added. â€Å"It's not a joke. The girls who were brought for the bloodfeast are gone,† Quinn said slowly and distinctly, just in case anybody hadn't gotten it yet. Then he said, â€Å"And as a matter of fact, it's a good thing.† â€Å"A good thing? Quinn, we're starving.† â€Å"They can't have gone too far,† the silver blond said. â€Å"After all, it's an island. Let's go and-† â€Å"Nobody's going anywhere,† Quinn said. Rashel moved closer to him. She was still nervous. These guys were on the edge of getting out of control. But she trusted Quinn, and she could tell they were afraid of him. And, she told herself, they'll be even more afraid in a minute. â€Å"Look, Quinn, if you brought us here to-† â€Å"I didn't bring you here. In fact, I don't know who brought you here, but it doesn't matter. I've got the same thing to say to all of you. There isn't going to be any bloodfeast, now or ever. And anybody who objects to that can take their problem to the Council.† That shut everyone up. They simply stared at Quinn. It was clearly the last thing they expected. â€Å"In fact, if you don't want the Council to hear about this, I'd advise everybody to go home quietly and pretend it never happened. And to have a headache the next time anybody asks you to a bloodfeast.† This silence was broken by somebody muttering, â€Å"You dirty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Meanwhile, Rashel's mind had begun to tick. Just how were these guys going to go home quietly? There weren't any boats. Unless the host brought one when he came-if he came. And where was he, anyway? And where was Lily? â€Å"Quinn,† she said softly. But somebody else was speaking. â€Å"You'd tell the Council?† a lean tough-looking guy with brown hair asked. â€Å"No, I'd let Hunter Redfern tell the Council,† Quinn said. â€Å"And I don't really think you want that. He might put it in a bad light. Raise your hands everybody who thinks Hunter Redfern would approve of this little party.† â€Å"Do I get a vote?† The voice came from the doorway. It was deeper than the voices of the young guys in the room. Rashel recognized the sound of danger instinctively and turned. And later it seemed to her that even before she turned, she knew what she would see. A tall man standing easily, with a girl and a child behind him in the shadows. He was colored by the flickering ruby light of the fire, but Rashel could still see that his hair was red as blood. And his eyes were golden. Golden like hawk's eyes, like amber. Like Lily Redfern's eyes. Why hadn't she realized that before? The face was a face she would never forget. It came to her every night in her dreams. It was the man who'd killed her mother. The man who'd chased her through the climbing structure, promising her ice cream. All at once, Rashel was five years old again, weak and helpless and terrified. â€Å"Hello, Quinn,† Hunter Redfern said. Quinn was absolutely still beside Rashel. She had the feeling that he couldn't even think. And she understood why. She'd seen into his mind; she knew what Hunter represented to him. Stern necessity, even ruthlessness, but honor, too. And he was just now finding out that that was all a lie. â€Å"Don't look so upset,† Hunter said. He stepped forward with an amiable smile. His golden eyes were fixed on Quinn; he hadn't even glanced at Rashel yet. â€Å"There's a reason for all this.† He gestured to the vampires in the room, and his voice was gentle, rational. â€Å"We need allies in the Council; the lamia are getting too lax. Once I've explained it all to you, you'll understand.† The way he'd made Quinn understand that Quinn had to be a vampire, Rashel thought. The way he'd made Quinn understand that humans were the enemy. She was shaking all over, but there was a white-hot fire inside her that burned through the fear. â€Å"Was there a reason for killing my mother?† she said. The golden eyes turned toward her. Hunter looked mildly startled. Beside her, Quinn's head jerked around. â€Å"I was only five, but I remember it all,† Rashel said. She took a step closer to Hunter. â€Å"You killed her just like that-snapped her neck. Was there a reason for killing Timmy? He was four years old and you drank his blood. Was there a reason for killing my great-aunt? You set a fire to get me, but it got her.† She stopped, staring into those predatory golden eyes. She'd searched for this man for twelve years, and now he didn't seem to recognize her. â€Å"What's wrong, did you hunt too many little kids to keep track of?† she said. â€Å"Or are you so crazy you believe your own public image?† Quinn whispered, â€Å"Rashel†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She turned. â€Å"I'm sure. He was the one.† In that instant, she saw Quinn's face harden implacably against the man who'd made him a Red-fern. His eyes went dark as black holes-no light escaped. Rashel suddenly had the feeling of glacial cold. Look into eyes like that and what you saw alone might kill you, she thought. But she had her own fire inside her, her own vengeance. The knife was in her waistband. If she could just get close enough†¦. She moved toward Hunter Redfern again. â€Å"You destroyed my life. And you don't even remember, do you?† â€Å"I remember,† the little shadow beside him said. And then the world flipped and Rashel felt the floor slipping away from her. The child behind Hunter was walking into the light-and suddenly she could smell plastic and old socks, and she could feel vinyl under her hands. Memories were flooding up so quickly that she was drowning in them. All she could say was â€Å"Oh, Timmy. Oh, God, Timmy.† He was standing there, just as she'd seen him last, twelve years ago. Shiny dark hair and wide tilted blue eyes. Except that the eyes weren't exactly a child's eyes. They were some strange and terrible combination of child and adult. There was too much knowledge in them. â€Å"You left me,† Timmy said. â€Å"You didn't care about me.† Rashel sank her teeth into her lip, but tears spilled anyway. â€Å"I'm sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Nobody cared about me,† Timmy said. He reached up to take Hunter's sleeve. â€Å"No humans, anyway. Humans are vermin.† He smiled his old sweet smile. Hunter looked down at Timmy, then up at Quinn. â€Å"It's amazing how quickly they learn. You haven't met Timmy, have you? He's been living in Vegas, but I think he can be useful here.† He turned to Rashel and his eyes were pure evil. â€Å"Of course I remember you. It's just that you've changed a little; you've gotten older. You're different from us, you see.† â€Å"You're weak,† Lily put in. She had stepped forward, too, to stand beside her father. Now she linked her arm in his. â€Å"You're short-lived. You're not very bright, and not very important. In a word, you're†¦ dinner.† Hunter smiled. â€Å"Well put.† Then he dropped the smile and said to Quinn, â€Å"Step away from her, son.† Quinn moved slightly, closer to Rashel. â€Å"This is my soulmate,† he said, in his softest and most disturbing voice. â€Å"And we're leaving together.† Hunter Redfern stared at him for several long moments. Something like disbelief flickered in his eyes. Then he recovered and said quietly, â€Å"What a shame.† Behind Rashel there were noises of stirring. It was as if a hot wind from the savanna had blown in, and the lions had caught its scent. â€Å"You know, I was already worried about you, Quinn,† Hunter said. â€Å"Last summer you let Ash and his sisters get away with running out on the enclave. Don't think I didn't notice that. You're getting lax, getting soft. There's too much of that going around lately.† Stand back to back, Quinn told Rashel. She was already moving into position. The vampires were forming a ring, encircling them. She could see smiles on every face. â€Å"And Lily says you've been strange these last few days-moody. She said you seemed preoccupied with a human girl.† Rashel drew her knife. The vampires were watching her with the fixed attention of big felines watching their prey. Absolute focus. â€Å"But the soulmate idea-that's really the last straw. It's like a disease infecting our people. You understand why I have to stamp it out.† Hunter paused. â€Å"For old time's sake, let's finish this quickly.† A voice that wasn't Quinn's added in Rashel's mind, / told you I'd see you later. Rashel stood on the balls of her feet, letting Hunter's words slide off her and drip away. She couldn't think about him right now. She had to concentrate on awareness, open her energy, and free her mind. This was going to be the biggest fight of her fife, and she needed zanshin. But even as she found it, a small voice inside her was whispering the truth. There were simply too many vampires. She and Quinn couldn't hold them all off at once.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Demian In every piece of literature there is always a sense of imagination. Now, that imagination can cause a variety of different scenarios. Some may say that the main character could look one way, but then another set of people can say that the main character looks entirely different. That’s also true with the â€Å"meaning† in some parts of the text. The only person who really knows the truth is the author, because the author obviously wrote the book. So it is up to our own imagination to determine what is, and what is not.This thought can also be applied to Demian by Hermann Hesse. Some say that Max Demian isn’t a physical reality, but only a figment of Emil Sinclair’s imagination, while others are stating that Max Demian is a physical reality. On the Oprah Winfrey Show, O, Oprah did a documentary with a girl named Jani. Jani has a horrible case of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia by definition is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought p rocesses and by poor emotional responsiveness.Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by a significant social or occupational dysfunction (â€Å"Schizophrenia†). Basically Jani was seeing various hallucinations since she was 5 (she is now 10). She would have nice hallucinations where they would be friendly, or bad hallucinations where they would want her to hurt her family members or even herself. At first Jani didn’t understand what was happening to her mentally, and she thought she was normal and that everyone could see her hallucinations, like â€Å"11 o’clock† who was a friendly cat.This is very relatable to Sinclair’s life because Demian was a hallucination to Sinclair, Sinclair just didn’t realize it. First off, Sinclair said, â€Å"For years I have been unable to distinguish between what I experienced in these dreams and in real life. â €  (Hesse 28*) That quote speaks for itself. Sinclair was unable to acknowledge what happened in either his dreams or in real life. So there is a possibility that this whole novel could have been just a dream to Sinclair.However since that is most likely not the case, Sinclair still could have dreamt up Demian, and just combined his dreams with his reality in confusion. In addition, Sinclair later stated, â€Å"Side by side with this I lived in a world of dreams, drives, and desires of a chthonic nature, across which my conscious self desperately built its fragile bridges, for the childhood world within me was falling apart. † (Hesse 41*) Again Sinclair is living a life entirely of dreams, which are confusing him so much to the point that he cannot distinguish the difference between reality and dream.Later on, Sinclair describes Demian’s face with these words, â€Å"I saw Demian’s face and I not only noticed that was not a boy’s face but a man’ s; I also felt or saw that it was not entirely the face of a man either, but had something feminine about it, too. † (Hesse 43*) This is a perfect example of Carl Jung’s explanation on people’s psyche. He said that people’s psyche is not necessarily gender locked. Imagine a line, on the left side are the male gender roles, and on the right, female gender roles.Now in the middle is a perfect blend of the two, which can never happen according to Jung, however in the description of Demian’s face, it seems as though Demian is a perfect blend of the two gender roles, which isn’t supposed to happen. Technically Demian should not exist, because he is a perfect blend of the two gender roles, which also adds to the fact that Demian’s face could only be so perfect if he was an imagination or a hallucination to Sinclair. Similarly, Sinclair commented, â€Å"I could hardly grasp it that no one besides me noticed him!Everyone should have looked at him, everyone should have trembled! But no one heeded him. He sat there like a statue, and, I thought, proud as an idol! A fly lighted on his forehead and scurried across his nose and lips – not a muscle twitched. † (Hesse 67**) Okay, I have a serious question to ask. How could one not move a muscle when a fly lands on their forehead and scurries across their nose and lips? That is most likely impossible for anyone to do, because most flies are very sensitive to everything, so if they see even the slightest of twitches they will fly away.And I know for a fact that anyone would twitch at the sight of a fly landing on their forehead. So if Demian was only a hallucination to Sinclair it is entirely possible for Demian to remain motionless whilst a fly is scurrying across his face. Furthermore, in David Fincher’s 1999 release of Fight Club Edward Norton’s character is found to have been hallucinating Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt. Now in the beginning Nort on did not realize that Tyler was a hallucination, but after Tyler manipulated Norton’s life, Norton began to realize that Tyler was really just a hallucination.Tyler was about to blow up an entire city until he finally realized that Tyler was a part of himself. To stop Tyler from manipulating him, Norton’s character shot himself in the face, and he watched as Tyler disappeared. Technically since Tyler is not a real physical being, and only a hallucination Tyler cannot die, however Norton believed that Tyler had died, so he saw Tyler die. This also applies to Sinclair and Demian. On the last page of the novel, Demian and Sinclair explained, â€Å"â€Å"Little Sinclair, listen: I will have to go away.Perhaps you’ll need me again sometime, against Kromer or something. If you call me then I won’t come crudely, on horseback or by train. You’ll have to listen within yourself then you will notice that I am within you. Do you understand? And something e lse. Frau Eva said that if ever you were in a bad way I was to give you a kiss from her that she sends by me. . . . Close your eyes, Sinclair! † I closed my eyes in obedience. I felt a light kiss on my lips where there was always a little fresh blood which never would go away. And then I fell asleep.Next morning someone woke me: I had to have my wounds dressed. When I was finally wide awake I turned quickly to the mattress next to mine. On it lay a stranger I’d never seen before. † (Hesse 171**) This quote has the same effect as when Norton’s character shot himself to kill Tyler, however this has not violence. Sinclair’s subconscious mind knew that Sinclair was ready enough to not need Demian anymore. So after the kiss bestowed onto Sinclair from Demian, Sinclair no longer needed to hallucinate Demian and that is why he disappeared the next morning.Demian was never a physical being; he was only a part of Sinclair’s subconscious mind, trying to help Sinclair. In conclusion, Demian is only a physical being to Sinclair, and to no one else. Sinclair needed Demian because there was something that his subconscious mind wanted â€Å"Demian† to help Sinclair get through his tough times. Demian did in fact help Sinclair a lot and Sinclair got through his tough times with some bumps in the road but that is to be expected. Without the help of Demian, Sinclair could have gone mentally insane.That is why Emil Sinclair’s subconscious conjured up Demian, so Sinclair could have an easier time transitioning from a child to an adult. Citations Hesse, Hermann. Demian. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers, 1989. 0-171. Print. Schofield, Jani. Personal Interview. 2009. â€Å"Schizophrenia. † . Fincher, David, dir. Fight Club. 1999. Film. 3 Jan 2013. . (*) 2nd published copy of Demian by Hermann Hesse (**) 1st published copy of Demian by Hermann Hesse

Friday, November 8, 2019

Perrines Literature Structure, Sound, Sense 11th Ed. (Short Stories) Essays

Perrines Literature Structure, Sound, Sense 11th Ed. (Short Stories) Essays Perrines Literature Structure, Sound, Sense 11th Ed. (Short Stories) Paper Perrines Literature Structure, Sound, Sense 11th Ed. (Short Stories) Paper Essay Topic: Literature Commercial Fiction Fiction intended solely to entertain. Literary Fiction Written with serious artistic intentions with hopes to broaden, deepen, and sharpen the readers awareness of life. Plot Sequence of incidents or events through which an author constructs a story. Conflict A clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills. Protagonist The central character in a conflict. Antagonist Any force arranged against the protagonist. Suspense The quality in a story that makes readers ask Whats going to happen next? or How will this turn out? Mystery An unusual set of circumstances for which the reader craves an explanation. Dilema A position in which the protagonist must choose between two courses of action, both undesirable. Surprise Ending An ending that features a sudden, unexpected turn or twist. Happy Ending A happy ending. Unhappy Ending An unhappy Ending. Indeterminate Ending An ending in which no definitive conclusion is reached. Artistic Unity Everything is relevant and contributes to the meaning. Plot Manipulation A plot that is unjustified by the situation or characters. Relies too heavily on chance. Also known as Deux Ex Machina. Deux Ex Machina Latin for god from machine. See: Plot Manipulation. Chance The occurrence of an event that has no apparent cause in previous events or in predisposition of character. Coincidence Is the chance occurrence of two events that may have a peculiar correspondence. Characterization For literary fiction writers, the most important element of their art. Direct Presentation Characters are described straight out by exposition or analysis or by another character. Indirect Presentation The characters are described through their actions. Motivation Where characters words and actions spring from Flat Character Usually have one or two predominant traits; they can be summed up in a sentence or two. Round Character Complex and many sided; they have the three-dimensional quality of real people. Stock Character Stereotyped figures who have recurred so often in fiction that we recognize them at once. Static Character Remains essentially the same person from the beginning to the end of the story. Developing Character There is distinct change of character, personality, or outlook. Epiphany A moment of spiritual insight into life or into the characters own circumstances. Theme Is the controlling idea or its central insight. The unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story. Point of View Who tells the story. Omniscient Point of View The story is told in the third person by a narrator whose knowledge and prerogatives are unlimited. Third Person Limited Point of View The story is told in the third person, but from the viewpoint of one character in the story. First Person Point of View The author disappears into one of the characters, who tells the story in the first person. Objective Point of View The narrator disappears into a kind of roving sound camera. Literary Symbol Something that means more than what it suggests on the surface. Allegory A story that has a second meaning beneath the surface, endowing a cluster of characters, objects, or events with added significance; often the pattern relates each literal item to a corresponding abstract idea or moral principle. Fantasy Transcends the bounds of known reality. Sarcasm Is simply language one person uses to belittle or ridicule another. Verbal Irony Is a figure of speech in which the speaker says the opposite of what he or she intends to say. Dramatic Irony The contrast between what a character says or thinks and what the reader knows to be true. Irony of Situation Usually the most important kind for the fiction writer, the discrepancy is between appearance and reality, or between expectation and fulfillment, or between what is and what would seem appropriate. Sentimentality Stories that try to elicit easy or unearned emotional responses. Editorialize Comment on the story and, in a manner, instruct us how to feel. Poeticize Use an immoderately heightened and distended language to accomplish their effects.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Seven Strategies to Provide Help for Teachers

Seven Strategies to Provide Help for Teachers Most teachers are eager to learn, want to improve, and work hard at their craft. Some are more natural than others and innately understand what it takes to be an effective teacher. However, there are many teachers that need time and assistance in developing the skills it takes to be an outstanding teacher. All teachers have areas where they are strong and areas in which they are weak. The best teachers will work hard to improve in all areas. Sometimes a teacher needs assistance in identifying their strengths and weaknesses as well as a plan to improve. This is a crucial part of a principal’s job. A principal should know each teacher’s individual strength and weaknesses. They should develop a plan for providing help for teachers that focus on areas that need improvement. There are many ways that a principal can provide help for teachers. Here, we examine seven strategies that a principal may use in developing a plan of improvement for each teacher. Identify the Essential There are many areas that a teacher must be solid in to be an effective teacher. Being ineffective in one area often has an effect on other areas. As a principal, it is vital that you narrow the focus to what you consider being the biggest areas of need. For example, you may be working with a teacher in which you have identified six areas that need improvement. Working on all six areas at once will be overwhelming and counter-intuitive. Instead, identify the two that you believe are most prominent and start there. Create a plan that focuses on improving in those top areas of need. Once those areas improve to an effective level, then you can create a plan to work on other areas of need. It is critical that teacher understands that you are trying to help them throughout this process. They must trust that you have their best interest in mind. A strong principal will build a relationship with their teacher that allows them to be critical when they need to be without hurting a teacher’s feelings. Constructive Conversation A principal should have in-depth conversations on a regular basis with their teachers about the happenings in their classroom. These conversations not only give the principal perspective about what is happening in the classroom, they allow the principal to give helpful suggestions and tips through informal conversation. Most young teachers especially are sponges. They want to improve and seek out knowledge of how to do their job better. These conversations also are significant trust builders. A principal who actively listens to their teachers and works to create solutions to their problems will gain their trust. This can lead to helpful conversations that can immensely improve a teacher’s effectiveness. They will be more open when you are critical because they understand you are looking out for what is best for them and the school. Video/Journaling There are occasions in which a teacher may not see something as an area in which they need to improve. In this case, it may be advantageous for you to video a series of lessons so that they can watch it back to understand what you are seeing in your observations. Watching video of your teaching can be a powerful tool. You will be surprised at what you learn about yourself as you watch the tape back. This can lead to powerful reflection and realization that you do need to change to your approach in how you teach. Journaling can also be an exceptional tool to help a teacher improve. Journaling allows a teacher to keep track of different approaches they have used and to compare their effectiveness days, months, or even years later. Journaling allows to teachers to look back at where they were and see how much they have grown over the course of time. This self-reflection can spark a desire to continue to improve or to change an area in which the writing helps them realize they need to make changes. Model the Skills Principals are supposed to be the leaders in their building. Sometimes the best way to lead is to model. A principal should never be afraid to put a lesson together that focuses on an individual teacher’s weakness and then teach that lesson to the teacher’s class. The teacher should observe and make notes throughout the lesson. This should be followed up with a healthy conversation between you and the teacher. This conversation should focus on what they saw you do in their lessons that many of their lessons often lack. Sometimes a teacher simply needs to see it done right to understand what they need to change and how they are supposed to do it. Set up Observations With a Mentor There are teachers that are experts at their craft who are willing to share their insights and experiences with other teachers. This can be powerful in many different areas. Every young teacher should be given the opportunity to observe an established veteran teacher and have them serve as their mentor. This relationship should be a two-way street where the mentor could also observe the other teacher and provide feedback. There are so many positives that can come out of this type of relationship. A veteran teacher may be able to share something that clicks with the other teacher and sets them on the path of them becoming a mentor someday themselves. Provide Resources There are so many resources that a principal can provide a teacher that focuses on every possible area in which they may struggle. Those resources include books, articles, videos, and websites. It is essential to give your struggling teacher a variety of resources that provide multiple strategies for improving. What works for one teacher may not work for another. After giving them time to look through the material, follow it up with conversations to see what they took from the resources as well as how they plan to apply it to their classroom. Provide Specific Professional Development Another way to provide help for teachers is to give them professional development opportunities that are unique to their own individual needs. For example, if you have a teacher that struggles with classroom management, find an outstanding workshop which deals with classroom management and send them to it. This training can be invaluable to improving a teacher. When you send them to something you hope that they are able to gain valuable, applicable insights that they can immediately bring back to their classrooms and apply.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Identifying the academic and Behavioural Support Needs of Teachers Dissertation - 1

Identifying the academic and Behavioural Support Needs of Teachers Teaching in LINUS classrooms in Malaysia - Dissertation Example Professional development is very essential in supporting teachers teaching in LINUS classrooms in Malaysia in the sense that the teachers feel motivated and appreciated for their effort as it will be discussed in this chapter. 2.2 The Effectiveness of Screening According to Mohd Sham Hamid (2012; p. 7) there is total faith in the literacy and numeracy screenings programme in Malaysia. The LINUS programme conducts screening on the student’s literacy and numeracy ability, hence giving room for learning institutions to identify pupils who are weak. There is a distinction between the former system and LINUS. With LINUS, teachers are in a position to distinguish excellent students from the less excellent ones. This gives an avenue for the teachers to comprehend the exposure of knowledge of the weaker students. By understanding the knowledge level, it helps the participants to formulate extra plans to enhance the ability of the students while concentrating on the prescribed LINUS pr ogram which was established by the Ministry of education. According to Mohd Sham Hamid (2012; p. 7), the teacher normally depended on the same component and method of teaching but this was broken down by LINUS programme. The same method cannot be used to train children in a learning environment as some of the methods have a poor standard of comprehending the subject and hence require extra attention (Cohen, & Spenciner, 2007; p. 13). In such a condition the teacher will not be in a position to know whether the pupil is weak till the pupil takes the exam and scores below average or fails the exam. By this time the student will have advanced to the next stage and will still be left behind as the topic gets tougher to go through. The LINUS curriculum has a complex set of subjects for all levels of learning. There are pupils who are in a position to identify the alphabetical order after seven months of continuous recitation. These students can be discovered after sitting for the LINUS s creening tests. Extra attention can now be administered to these students in class. Learning in this environment is made more interactive and more of fun by use of music and activities to assist the pupils understand the subject more easily. There are times when issues of absenteeism and other uphill tasks which might derail the process of indentifying weaker children or helping them through the stated topic more challenging. Remedial lessons can be helpful if given keen attention with the use of specialized modules in enabling the pupils to deal with the learning challenges to a particular level. The education office through the Malaysian ministry of education gives abundant support by providing books of reference and usually giving supervision to the LINUS curriculum in the school. Currently, pupils from both year one and year two inclusive of the weaker students are reported to be going through the LINUS curriculum classes where teachers use laptops, charts, books, and flashcards as teaching aids. This has seen a remarkable improvement in the performance of the pupils over the recent time period (Pliszka, et al, 2007; p. 897). 2.3 The Significance of LINUS In ensuring that some of the programs are executed for the present school year, implementation of the programs is already underway. The first semi-annual implementation has seen the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assess Franklin D. Roosevelt. What do you think of him, his style of Essay

Assess Franklin D. Roosevelt. What do you think of him, his style of leadership, and his administration - Essay Example In 1928 he was nominated for the post of governor and won the election with a narrow margin and become governor. His image was created as an opponent of Tammany. In 1932 he appeared as a nominee of president and won the election with a wide margin this time. His campaigning was on the issue of great depression in united States of America. He made a new deal to the people of America. This deal was made in accordance with democratic party and this deal made democratic party as the majority party during the fifth party system. Roosevelt was president for two terms. The first term was from 1932 to 1937. When the first time he occupied the office the United States was under great depression of world war. United States economy was falling down. His presidency period was called as relief, recovery and reform. Relief to the unemployed people, recovery from the falling economy to its normal form and reform means to find the cause for this falling of economy. To recover from this depression he passed some bills and reset the confidence of his party members through some dramatic gestures. His new deal included the reforms that provided employment to several rural people and farmers in the rural projects.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Revelation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revelation Paper - Essay Example An aspect of similarity between the Martyrdom of Perpetua, Philistas and her companions at one end and Polycarp at the other is underscored by the fact that in both cases, God allows His faithful to undergo martyrdom. This immediately serves as a strong antithesis to the presently famous doctrine being touted by televangelists that with faith, God can do anything for a Christian, if that Christian has faith. This prosperity gospel insinuates that God’s blessings and primary will amount to physical and material gains and consummation of earthly goals. On the contrary, it is apparent that immediately Perpetua has a revelation from God [through a vision wherein the Lord is presented as a Shepherd], together with her companions, they all become aware that the impending martyrdom is God’s will. A very devoted and godly man, Polycarp also undergoes martyrdom. Through the experiences that transpire in the lives of Perpetua and her companions and Polycarp, it becomes clear that God may love His people very much, to the point of taking them home, to be with them forever- and martyrdom or natural death [as is the case of St. John the Divine] may be an instrument God uses to achieve this purpose. The crux of the matter herein is that at some instances, God may glorify Himself through martyrdom, as is the case of Perpetua and her companions and Polycarp’s martyrdom. Again, contrary to modern day teaching, martyrdom is also presented as a way of God’s deliverance for His children (Amat, 1996). Growing up over the years, I have come to appreciate the harmony I have acquired from my religious heritage. The matter here is that I have benefited immensely from the roles that my father and mother have dispensed as individuals and as unique members of the family, just as the Quran and the Hadith stipulate. Because of this, I have been able to have a stable and orderly family where the roles of each parent are effectively and timely discharged. Over time, I have come to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational company

Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational company Main objectives of this assignment are as follows: An analysis and evaluation of the data available in the Procter Gamble annual report. An analysis and evaluation of the developments in the financial markets in the past 2 years of Procter Gamble company. Compare and assess the performance of PG with its competitor company (Unilever). Recommendations to ProcterGamble for future advancements. Procter and Gamble Prologue Procter and Gamble is a fortune 500 multinational company which is headquartered at Downtown, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A . It is one of the top 5 consumer goods manufacturer company in the world. It was founded in 1837 by William Procter, a candle maker and James Gamble, a soap maker, immigrants from England Ireland respectively. In year 2010 PG had 1,28,000 employees. Current President and C.E.O of Procter and Gamble Company is Bob Mc Donald. Revenue of PG in 2010 was 78.6 billion US Dollar. Operating income of PG in 2010 was 16.15 billion US Dollar. Net income of PG In year 2010 was 12.72 billion US Dollar. Total Assets of PG in year 2009 was around 135.12 billion US Dollar. Procter and gamble company deals into four segments mainly, categorized as : Beauty and grooming segment. Household care segment. Health and well being segment. Snacks and Beverages segment. Procter and Gamble was ranked 6th in the world for the worlds most admired company. Procter and Gamble operates in nearly 82 countries around the world and it sells or markets 300 brands in more than 159 countries. Procter and Gamble is the worlds biggest maker of household products according to sales and volume. Procter and Gamble is also one of the biggest advertisers in the world. Procter and Gamble was ranked #39 out of top Fortune 500 American companies. PG organization is the mother of innovations like extreme market research, brand -management development and profit sharing programmes. These were all developed and implemented by PG first than any other organization in the world. Popular brands of PG company with net sales more than one billion U.S. Dollar annually: Ariel laundry detergent Charmin bathroom towel Bounty paper towels Crest toothpaste Dawn- dishwashing detergent Downy- fabric softener Duracell- batteries Gillette- shaving razors, shaving gel and cream, deodorant and anti-persipirant. Head Shoulders shampoo Olay- beauty products Oral.b dental products Pantene- hair care products Pringles- potato crisps Tide- powder and liquid detergents Vicks. Source: Procter and Gamble manufacturing operations are based in the following countries and regions: U.S.A United Kingdom Canada China Mexico Africa Australia Latin America India Germany Major competitors of Procter and Gamble are: JohnsonJohnson Kimberly Clark Corp. Unilever. Clorox. Sara Lee Corporations. Kraft foods INC Colgate-Palmolive. Competitors Profile (Unilever) Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational company founded in 1930 by the amalgamation of Dutch margarine company Margarine Unie with British soap maker Lever Brothers. The company is headquartered at Unilever house London, United Kingdom and at Rotterdam, Netherlands. Unilever owns more than 370 brands as a result of acquisitions such as with Brooke Bond in 1984 and Chesebrough-Ponds Inc in 1987. Mission statement of Unilever or motto of Unilever is Meeting the everyday needs of people everywhere. According to Unilever company, everyday more than 140 million people pick their brands to clean their homes and to feed their families. Unilever comes among top 5 in world for making packaged consumer products like soaps, tea, frozen foods, deodorants, perfumes, toiletries etc. The corporation sells its products in more than 140 countries. The annual revenue of Unilever Inc was around 39,826 Million Euros in year 2009. Operating income of Unilever was around 5,010 Million Euros in year 2009. Net income of Unilever was 3,658 million Euros in year 2009. Unilever has subsidiaries in more than 85 countries and it employs more than 1,70,000 workers to its company. Unilever stands at third position among food firms in the world after Nestle and Kraft and worlds second largest packaged consumer goods company after Procter Gamble company. Financial Analysis of Procter and Gamble company: The financial statements including, annual reports, balance sheet, cash flow statement, income statement are attached with the following appendixes.: Common size Statement analysis (Vertical) = Appendix A 2. Balance sheet , cash flow statement, Income Statement = Appendix B Financial ratio formulas = Appendix C Financial ratios = Appendix D 5.Comparison of Financial data between PG and Unilever = Appendix E Financial Statement Analysis: Financial statement analysis is the process of analyzing financial strengths and weaknesses of a firm by making relationships between the items of the profit and loss account and of balance sheet. These statements are very helpful for decision making purpose for any business or company. They play a vital role for setting the framework of managerial decisions. Financial statement analysis includes preparation and interpretation of financial statements in analogous and common size form. Financial statement analysis also includes computation and interpretation of financial ratio that would be helpful to common share holder for business purpose and for short term creditors as well as long term creditors. Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis : Vertical and Horizontal Analysis. Ratio Analysis. Horizontal Analysis: It involves line by line comparison of two or more years financial data. The horizontal analysis compares financial data over a number of accounting period. Example: Accounts receivable can be compared over a period of months during a fiscal year or sales can be compared over a period of several years. Vertical Common-Size Analysis In Vertical Common-Size Analysis statement all the figures of income statement are taken as a percentage of sales and in balance sheet all the figures are taken as a percentage of total assets.In Income statement, sales figure is taken as base and is assumed to be 100 % and all other figures are expressed as a percentage of sales. In balance sheet the percentage of total assets is taken as 100 % and all other figures are expressed as a percentage of total assets. Ratio Analysis : The ratio analysis is the most important and powerful tool of financial statement analysis. When we use ratio analysis, we can check and determine how profitable a business is. Ratios can be calculated by dividing one number to another number. It can be expressed in the form of percentage, proportion, time or rate. Ratio Analysis is an accounting method used to compare one figure with another. Ratios can helps us to determine whether a business is sound or not. It simplifies the data of financial statements. It also helps in comparing the results of one business with another. It also helps in comparing the results of the business with the average result of all similar businesses in the same field. It also tells the investors to determine whether they should buy, hold or sell the shares by seeing the ratio analysis of the particular company. It also helps the employees of a particular company by providing information about stability and profitability of their company in present and future times. It also helps in planning and forecasting during financial analysis. Ratios can help management to do basic functions like forecasting, planning, co-ordination, control of financial data of the business.